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Brierley Forest

Primary and Nursery School


Welcome to Year 6


Welcome to Year 6!  Mr Wood, Mrs Vourlou and Mrs Swain would like to say how brilliant the year has been going so far. Children strived to achieve their absolute best during SATs week and we are extremely proud of each and every one of them. Well done year 6s! Keep up the incredible work.


What to expect in Year 6

Being in Year Six comes with a lot of responsibility; the children are expected to be role models and ambassadors for the school.  Year Six pupils are the children that the rest of the school look up to and the students that define our school vision and values.  As such, we expect exemplary behaviour from all the children in Year Six at all times during the day. Although there is a lot of hard work in Year Six, there are lots of things to look forward to as well, including fun and exciting opportunities.  


Year 6 Classes and Staff

The Possibilities class is taught by Mrs Vourlou and supported by Mrs Swain.  


The Architects class is taught by Mr Wood and supported by Mrs Swain. 



PE Days

Currently, to avoid children having to bring additional bags and clothing into school, children are being asked to wear their PE kits into school.


Both Year 6 classes will be participating in PE on Friday. Please ensure they wear a PE kit in line with the school dress code (plain white t-shirt, blue or black shorts/ leggings/ joggers and trainers). No cycling shorts. Furthermore, children should come dressed appropriately for all occasions, including the cold and rain, as an indoor slot may not always be available and children are being encouraged to do PE outside as much as possible.


If children have their ears pierced, they will be expected to take out their earrings for PE lessons. Long hair needs to be tied up for safety reasons.

General Reminders


Children are ‘served’ their homework menu every half-term which is linked to the half-termly learning in class. There is no minimum expectation for children to complete these tasks on a daily or weekly basis, but children can choose which tasks they have an interest in to develop their love and enthusiasm for learning. 


Summer 2 Homework


  • Continue to read for pleasure on a daily basis
  • Practice your times tables ready for Secondary School
  • Learn your lines for Matilda and know when to say them.
  • Learn all the lyrics for the songs in Matilda



Regular reading is of vital importance to support children's academic progress so please encourage your children to read as much as possible. By Year 6 children may be reading independently more often – however we do ask that parents are monitoring children’s reading at home, listen to them and ask follow up questions to check understanding.  We expect them to read at least 3 times weekly. Children will have a slot in the La Bibliotheque where they are able to change their books (Possibilities and Architects - alternate Wednesday's where parents are invited to come in a read with their children).



Each week, spellings are updated on Spelling Shed for children to learn for the following week. We are expecting that children will be practicing these at home alongside our work in school. These spellings follow the statutory spelling rules and lists for Year 5/6. We encourage children to use Spelling Shed games at home to help them practise their spellings.


Can all children come to school wearing the correct school uniform. Please make sure your child only brings a water bottle (no fizzy drinks), packed lunch (if they have one), their book bag and their coat. Please check your child has not taken any pencil cases, small toys, lip glosses or sweets with them in the morning. 
