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Brierley Forest

Primary and Nursery School

The Treehouse

Welcome To Treehouse!


We are a mixed year group class who are taught by Mrs Durkin. We are also lucky enough to have Mrs Frost to support teaching and learning in our class. Our learning is linked to both the curriculum and through enhanced provision.

Welcome to Treehouse class page, we have some exciting activities planned for this year - we look forward to making learning a fun experience.


Our PE day is Monday. Please send your children into school wearing their PE kit (plain white t-shirt and blue or black shorts or jogging bottoms and trainers). We will be doing PE either inside or outside so please dress appropriately depending on the weather.  


Parent Reading Afternoon.

Our reading afternoon is Thursday 3-3.15pm, this will be in our classroom. 


Swimming will be Tuesday afternoons.

Year 4 children - Autumn term.

Year 3 children - Spring term.

Thank you for your continued support

Mrs Durkin
