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Brierley Forest

Primary and Nursery School


Welcome to Reception!


In our Reception classes we are so lucky to have lots of adults who will all help us to learn. We have:



Miss Slater-Evans

(Ladybird Teacher)



Teaching assistants

Mrs Cobley 

Mrs Moorley (afternoons)



This year we will have lots of fun with our teachers and all of our friends. We offer a curriculum which allows us to choose our own learning as well as learn through teacher led activities which is super exciting! We will strive to be the very best we can by following our school rules 'Ready, Respect & Safe' and develop our never give up attitudes.


We have a big space indoors which is divided into a classroom area and large open provision space which has lots of different activities which help us all to learn. We also have a huge outdoor area which we share with Nursery that we can use all day long!


We love coming to school everyday to learn new things with you and we hope that you do too!


Please see below for information about the classes including what we are learning, resources you can use at home and the homework menus:


Important information


Please make sure you bring your reading book every day, your phonics book can be changed on different days of the week depending on when the finish reading it.

Our reading morning is on Fridays 8.45-9.00. 

An adult is invited into school with you to read and change your reading for pleasure book!




It can get very hot in our classroom with all the work we do.

Please bring a water bottle to school every day, this should only contain water.



We do PE on a Tuesday!

Please make sure you come to school in your PE kit on this day! Our PE uniform is a white t-shirt, blue pullover/jumper and black leggings or tracksuit bottoms (our school colours!)

Please make sure you take any earrings out for this day!


