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Brierley Forest

Primary and Nursery School

February 2021 Latest News

We have had a positive covid case in Reception/Nursery bubble, for those children who are currently attending school and are in this bubble, they now need to isolate until midnight on 21.2.21. Text messages have been sent to individual parents. Please follow the guidance in the attached letter.


Following the virtual visit the Year 6 children did to the Holocaust Centre they have tweeted expressing their pleasure at spending time with our children -

For any of you who are on twitter too, we have re-launched the school twitter too - please follow us on

Reception (F2) Super Hero Day 10th February 2021

A reminder that Monday 22nd of February is an inset day. School will be closed to pupils and no online learning will be timetabled.

So Long, Farewell


Very sadly, Miss Polyak, 'Miss P' as many children know her, has taken the very difficult decision to move on to pastures new. Miss Polyak has provided nurture to many of our children in both Busy Bees and Pioneers. I know the children who have spent any time with her will be very sad to see her leave. She will be sorely missed at BFPNS, and will leave a huge hole to fill.


Miss Polyak will be spending time with children across the school next week (via teams) to say her goodbyes during her final week with us. If you would like to email her a message, I will ensure that they are passed on to her.


I'm sure that you will join me in wishing her well in her new venture - one that I know she will excel at.


Miss Griffith

Governors Meetings


Minutes of governors meetings are available to view on request, please contact the school office to arrange this.

If your child is entitled to benefits based Free School Meals please complete the form by 9.00am Friday 5th February in order for a voucher to be ordered to cover February half term. Thank you.

February Half Term FSM vouchers

Good Afternoon,


What a busy few weeks it has been. Over the last 2 weeks Mrs Wallis and I have been out and about doing some home visits, catching up with families and providing tech support where we could (good job I'm a teacher not a tech support for real!!!).

A huge THANK YOU to all the families for making us feel so welcome - it felt rude not taking so many of you up on the invite to come in to your homes, but I know you understand why we couldn't.


It was lovely to see the children and share some of the non-school based activities that they have been doing with you at home - we definitely have some talented artists and bakers in our community.


As parents, you have a hard task (some might say impossible) currently. Please don't be hard on yourselves. We know that not all of the children will access/join in all of the learning provided for them, we know that sometimes it will be too much of a battle to get them to do any school work. Choose your battels carefully - it is far more important that your relationship with your children is strengthened (or at least in tact!) once we get to the other side of lockdown.


It was lovely to see some of the photos from Family Friday - if you took some and they haven't been uploaded yet, it would be great to see you and your families enjoying nature.


Stay safe and sane 


Miss Griffith

Child's Wellbeing Questionnaire
