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Brierley Forest

Primary and Nursery School


Welcome to Year 3.

Miss Garratt (Discoverers) and Miss James (Wizards) are our Teachers. 

We are going to have a fantastic year full of exciting new learning including Volcanoes, the Stone Age, Romans, the Anglo Saxons and the Scots and much more! 



La Bibliotheque Day - Every Thursday. 

Parent Reading Morning - Every other Thursday. Keep a look out on ClassDojo for reminders.

PE - Wizards and the Discoverers will have PE every Thursday morning. The Wizards will begin swimming every Friday week commencing 19.2.2024. 




   Online Homework

  • Weekly spelling lists can be found on Spelling Shed
  • Comprehension texts and activities can be found on iHub First News to support reading
  • Times Table Rock Stars will support learning all times tables



      Log ins and passwords have been sent home with Children. If they have lost them, please contact their Class Teacher on Dojo and they can send you them smiley

Year 3 - Wizards Swimming - March 2024
