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Brierley Forest

Primary and Nursery School



Our Enrichment Offer

We are proud to provide an extended offer for all children in our school that allows them to explore their own interests and talents. The aim of this provision is to open up new opportunities and experiences. The enrichment offer is timetabled to run throughout the school week alongside of our classroom-based learning and offers anything from cooking to climbing. The sessions are provided by motivated members of school staff who are keen to share their own interests and talents with the children. Since implementing the Enrichment offer, staff have noted how well the children concentrate and engage in lessons when they return to the classroom.


Our Extended Offer

In addition to the curriculum that supports and extends learning in school we take up many opportunities that are offered to us by external providers. This encourages and fosters resilience in our children so that they are willing to try something new.


  • We run very well attended sports clubs after school to enable the children to take part in and experience a variety of sports. These change each term and are run in partnership with the school.
  • Our children also have the opportunity to represent the school in local sporting tournaments.
  • We have an established Forest School which provides pupils across the school with exciting outdoor learning opportunities. 


Residential visits take place to Walesby Forest and other Nottinghamshire adventure centres. This is a fabulous opportunity to develop independence away from home and to form life long friendships with peers as they all try out new activities. All visits take place after meetings have been held with parents to ensure that they are fully informed about accommodation, staffing and activities.





Groups of pupils across the school have been taking part in RockSteady sessions where they get to explore a range of musical instruments. Throughout the year, children across all year groups will have the chance to learn how to play together as a band.







Our Forest School was established in Summer 2021. Forest school is an approach to learning that takes children into the great outdoors whatever the weather to explore the natural environment. Forest school is a long-term, nature-based outdoor learning program that focuses on holistic development and growth in children. Our children say that Forest School helps them to "learn how to solve problems" and to "work well with each other". 
