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Brierley Forest

Primary and Nursery School

Curriculum Statement

Our Curriculum


Whole School Curriculum Planning


“The National Curriculum is just one element in the education of every child.” DFE 2013


The National Curriculum for Primary schools set an exciting challenge for us; we have been able to provide the children with a curriculum that is tailored to the particular needs of our large primary school with British Values woven through it in the concepts of each project. Our curriculum motivates and inspires the children and is one in which the children, regardless of and taking into account SEND, religion, race, age or gender are provided with opportunities to develop their skills and knowledge (from both the national curriculum and our knowledge of the children and community) to grow into successful people from whom their community will benefit.


Our curriculum pages give parents and members of the public further information about our curriculum. If you have any questions that are not answered here, please contact the school office who will put you in touch with the relevant member of staff.





