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Brierley Forest

Primary and Nursery School


Welcome to Year 4!

There are 2 classes in Year 4. Astronomers are taught by Miss Lowe and High Flyers are taught by Miss Bowers. We are lucky to have Mrs Wainwright working to support teaching and learning across both classes.



Welcome to Year 4's class page. Here you will find information about our classes including PE days, information on our curriculum and any useful links if learning from home. 

PE Days



High Flyers and Astronomers PE day will be on a Thursday. All children should come dressed appropriately for all occasions, including the cold and rain, as an indoor slot may not always be available and children are being encouraged to do PE outside as much as possible.


If children have their ears pierced, they will be expected to take out their earrings for PE lessons. It is our expectation that children will come dressed in the school PE uniform. This term we will be studying Fitness and athletics.

Homework menus


Children will have a homework menu every half-term which is linked to the half-termly curriculum topics studied in class. There is no minimum expectation for children to complete these tasks on a daily or weekly basis, but children can choose which tasks they have an interest in to develop their love an enthusiasm for learning. 

Autumn 1 2023 Homework menu

Autumn 2 2023 Homework Menu

Year 4 Autumn 1 Weekly Spelling Lists

Spring Homework menu

Spring 2 Homework Menu

Summer Homework Menu

Times Tables Chart (Multiplication Tables) It's very important Year 4 know all the times tables ready for the Multiplication Check in June

Reading, Spelling and Times Tables


Please listen to your child read at least 3 times a week at home. They will change their books, if they wish, during our weekly visit to La Bibliotheque. Year 4 will visit La Bibliotheque on Mondays.

On Monday afternoons at 2:50-3:15pm, we will be holding our reading sessions, where parents and carers can come and share a book/story with the children in school. Each class will hold a reading session every two weeks.

High Flyers sessions will be on -   13.11.23, 27.11.23, 11.12.23 

                                     Spring   -    8.01.24, 22.01.24, 5.01.24, 5.02.24

                                   Spring 2  -    26.03,24, 11.03.24, 25.03.24

                                   Summer 1 -     29.04.24, 13.05.24,

                                   Summer 2 -  9.06.24, 23,06.24, 8.07.24, 

Astronomers sessions will be on - 20.11.23, 2.12.23, 18.12.23

                                    Spring    -    15.01.24, 29.01.24, 

                                   Spring 2   -  19.02.24, 4.03.24, 18.03.24

                                   Summer 1 -   22.04.24, 6.05.24, 20,05,24

                                   Summer 2 - 16.06.24, 1.07.24, 15.07.24


We look forward to seeing you there.


It is important that children are reading daily and practising their spellings and  times tables  Weekly spellings will be practised in class and assigned on Spelling Shed.

Times Tables Rockstars is an excellent online resource for the children to use to develop multiplication fluency. This is important as all year 4 children will take the Multiplication Check test in the summer term.


Many thanks for all your support.

 Miss Bowers and Miss Lowe

Autumn 2 photos of our exciting learning in our Science and History lessons

History VR lessons - walking into a Viking village

Parents Open Day


It's been a pleasure to have our parents  in class today, to look at books, join in activities and listen to our class story.


Parent Quotes

"Lovely time in the classroom today, nice to see an actual snipit of the school day." Mrs Quinn


"It was lovely  to come in to class and see my son in his classroom setting, putting in the effort for his work."


"I have enjoyed coming in and seeing the work in the classroom" Ms Moll


"Loved being able to spend time in class while she worked and to watch how she interacts and learns in class." 


"A lovely class!" Mrs Townsend


Open Day photos

Activities - Trips/Visits

Summer Trip

Year 4 will be going on a year group trip to the MAGNA SCIENCE AND ADVENTURE CENTRE on Wednesday 17th July. Please see the letter below and on class dojo for more details.

Y4 Residential May 2024

In geography we have been studying the area we live in as part of our UK study and took the opportunity to visit Sutton town centre and the library to find out about Sutton in the past.

Autumn 1 - We have been very busy designing and creating patterns and prints in art and learning new skills in PE.
