If you would like your child to attend our school, please see full details of our admission arrangements below.
Published Admissions Number (PAN) 60 per year group
Details of how to apply for a school place can be found on the links below. Please contact the office if you require further assistance.
Admissions to School guide for Parents
EYFS New Starters
Admissions Arrangements 2024-2025
Admission Arrangements 2025-2026
Admissions 2026/27 Consultation
Consultation has now opened to consider the Admissions Policy for entry 2026/27. The proposed policy is below and includes the following amendments:
- Looked After Children (LAC) to be referred to as “Children in Care” (Section 3)
- Previously Looked After Children (PLAC) to be referred to as “Children Previously in Care” (Section 3)
- Catchment to be considered at both application closing date AND National Offer Date (Section 6.2)
- Waiting List to be maintained until June 2027 (Section 6.5)
Please address any feedback on the proposed policy to admissions@transformtrust.co.uk and please mention the school your feedback relates to.
Consultation opens Friday 4th October 2024 and will remain open until 4pm Friday 29th November 2024