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Brierley Forest

Primary and Nursery School


Science Intent


In Science at Brierley Forest we strive to inspire our children to think and act like scientists, instilling a passion for the subject, which will lead them down a path to becoming our future innovators and scientific thinkers! Within each lesson, we aim to:


  • Build on children's natural curiosity. Engage children in authentic or “real” science practices.
  • Teach children the knowledge they need to think and work as a scientist.
  • Revisit prior learning so that essential knowledge is retained.
  • Provide opportunities to ask important questions and work with others to find answers.
  • Help children connect their learning across various contexts.


But how do we actually do this?


Underpinning our Science curriculum is the ASE (The Association for Science Education). The ASE are a professional community dedicated to supporting excellence in science teaching and learning. This incredible association provides countless resources which ensures all areas outlined by the National Curriculum are covered to a high standard. The ASE also provides our teachers with many creative ideas for how to bring the subject alive in the classroom through investigations and scientific enquiries.


Using certain online resources can be a great way to engage children of all different learning styles. ‘Reach Out Reporter’ makes the children aware of the scientific events that are going on in the world today, making learning current and relevant. This is done through short, fast paced videos which can be a fantastic way to kick start any science lesson.


Another brilliant resource, which can also be accessed from home, is Explorify. This online resource offers many fun and interesting ways to engage children and really energise their scientific enquiry skills, as well as learning fun facts along the way! Explorify can:

  • Introduce new science topics
  • Provide continuity between lessons
  • Assess learning and progress
  • Revisit prior learning
  • Develop children’s skills in working scientifically
  • Support cross-curricular learning

It is our hope that science is not simply a one off lesson taught once or twice a week, but a way of life where children are constantly questioning and striving to find answers. As teachers, we want to share our own passion for science by exposing children to the world we live in through the eyes of scientific inquiry.

