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Brierley Forest

Primary and Nursery School


Maths Intent

At BFPNS our mathematics intent is to build lifelong learning through progressive development of knowledge and skills. We want our pupils to become resilient and independent mathematicians, who are able to build a deep conceptual understanding of maths and apply their skills further within the community. We aim to develop children’s ability to discuss and explain their thinking using appropriate mathematical vocabulary. We will create consistent quality first teaching to improve engagement, progress and attainment in maths.


Pupils are taught with a mastery approach to mathematics following the Power Maths scheme of learning. This scheme uses the Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract approach to encourage children to think mathematically, building in lots of opportunities for mathematical discussion, the use of manipulatives and child specific scaffolding. This ensures that all children can master mathematical concepts with clear progression. This will be supported by the use of interventions and challenges to ensure that each child can thrive in mathematical learning. Teacher’s have the flexibility to adapt the ideas within Power Maths to provide learning in an active way to secure and consolidate knowledge.


Key features of our Maths curriculum:  


  • High expectations for every child
  • Fewer topics, greater depth: Following the overview from Power Maths, each year group completes blocks of learning that give children the time to secure knowledge and skills before moving on to new areas of learning. 
  • Number sense and place value come first: Learning in each year group begins with blocks focused on number and place value, giving them a secure foundation to build upon when approaching new learning.  
  • Fluency is key: By structuring our school timetable to provide daily mathematical fluency practise, we ensure pupils regularly retrieve previous learning and use it with growing accuracy. 
  • Key number facts are valued: Across the school, pupils compete in a weekly times table challenge and pupils are encouraged to focus on beating previous scores in timed conditions. 
  • Focus on mathematical reasoning: Giving reasoned justification for choices in maths allows children to think critically and deepen their understanding. We strive to offer all pupils the opportunity to reason daily within maths sessions.


Times Tables

As a school we use Times Table Rockstars as a way to practise and develop fluency in multiplication. This is used from Year 2 onwards in preparation of MTC at the end of Year 4 and for the fluency and recall of multiplication facts.
