The National Curriculum for Primary schools set an exciting challenge for us; we have been able to provide the children with a curriculum that is tailored to the particular needs of our children, with British Values woven through the units of learning. Our curriculum motivates and inspires the children and is one in which the children, regardless of and taking into account SEND, religion, race, age or gender are provided with opportunities to develop their skills and knowledge (from both the national curriculum and our knowledge of the children and community) to grow into successful people who will contribute positively to their community and beyond.
Our curriculum pages give families and members of the public further information about our curriculum. If you have any questions that are not answered here, please contact the school office who will put you in touch with the relevant member of staff.
Should you wish to withdraw your child from all or part of our RE curriculum, please put this in writing setting out what learning you will be providing for your child during the time allocated to the sessions. Similarly if you have concerns about the Relationships curriculum, please speak to the class teacher in the first instance so that we can understand your reservations and work with you to address them appropriately. The Head Teacher may meet with you to discuss these further to ensure that we are being respectful of your wishes and providing the children with a broad and balanced curriculum.
Miss Gale is our Curriculum Lead and can be contacted through the office email for any queries you may have that cannot be immediately answered but the class teachers.