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Brierley Forest

Primary and Nursery School


At Brierley Forest we aim to provide children with a rich and engaging Geography curriculum which will inspire in them a natural curiosity and fascination about the world and its people. We believe strongly in a moral duty to teach children about the challenges faced by communities around the world today and the positive impact that they can have, both locally and more widely with immigration, sustainability, pollution, rich and poor being the key concepts that underpin our ‘human stories’ approach to the curriculum.


We intend to equip our children with geographical skills and knowledge to develop their understanding through the study of places, people and natural and human environments. Through our teaching, we intend to encourage children to discover answers to their own questions through exploration and research to enable them to gain a greater understanding and knowledge of the world and their place in it. Lessons are intended to improve children’s geographical vocabulary, map skills, fieldwork and geographical facts and provide opportunities for consolidation, challenge and variety to ensure interest and progress in the subject.


We regularly provide opportunities for children to explore the world around them, starting with the community on our doorstep in Sutton-in-Ashfield using the local area including Brierley Forest Park, King’s Mill Reservoir as well as our Forest School area within our school grounds. Trips and visitors into school are encouraged to further enhance the children’s Geography experience. Children think ‘as Geographers’ to investigate, question and discover, leaving us with a strong understanding of local, national and global contexts which ensures that they are then ready to access the curriculum at Key Stage 3.

Geography Overview

Geography Declarative Knowledge Progression

Geography Procedural Knowledge Progression
