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Brierley Forest

Primary and Nursery School

Our learning opportunities

In Autumn 1, we learnt about our local area in Geography. We carefully planned our route before so we knew exactly where we were going and which roads to cross over. 

The children also planned to create a tally chart of how many schools we see, places to eat, and shop. They also came up with their own additional criteria to keep a look out for so some children chose, dogs, cats, trees, red cars... 

All children were so well behaved on our walk around our local area and represented Brierley Forest brilliantly in the local community. 

Autumn 1 - Geography - Walk around our local area

In Autumn 2, we learning about healthy and unhealthy foods and worked towards creating our own healthy smoothie. We worked towards creating a final product by trying the different fruit and vegetables and juices. Then we chose our ingredients and practices chopping and squeezing. Then we made our smoothies and used the blenders so the fruit changed from a solid to a liquid so we could drink them. In English, we then wrote instructions on how we made our healthy smoothies. 

Autumn 2 - DT Fruit Smoothies

We had so much fun at Sundown... we even saw Santa and Mrs Claus!!!

We went to Sundown Adventure Land to see Santa!!!

In Spring 1, the children were really interested in learning about the 4 countries in the United Kingdom. They particularly enjoyed learning about England's capital city and reading Katie in London in our English lessons. 

The children re-wrote the story and then worked so hard to draft, edit and publish their own writing. 

One child loved learning about so much and telling his parents all about his learning that they took him to London during half term!




One of the children from Elmers class in London
