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Brierley Forest

Primary and Nursery School


Welcome to Wizards' Class Page!


We are the Year 3 class and our teacher is Miss James.

We also have Miss Wainwright, who is our amazing teaching assistant.


In Wizards, we are striving to be our very best by showing our school values: Integrity, Belonging, Resilience and Caring. We also make sure we meet our school expectations of 'Ready, Respect and Safe'.


Our curriculum encourages our children to explore and make links across subject areas. Children will use practical resources to help secure their knowledge and understanding. 


Children are encouraged to bring a water bottle and their library book everyday. Please ensure that children's items are labelled with their names.



We will be doing PE every Wednesday, so please make sure your child is dressed in appropriate PE kit on these days (white t-shirt, trainers and a blue jumper).


Forest School

We will be doing Forest School every Thursday. Children are required to wear their normal school uniform, however a change of shoes (trainers/wellies) will be required. As Forest School is outside, please make sure children are dressed appropriately for the weather.


La Bibliotheque/Parent Reading Afternoon

Our Bibliotheque slot will be every Friday. Please make sure children bring in their library books on this day if they wish to change them. Our Parent Reading Afternoon will also be every Friday, from 3:00pm to 3:15pm

Children are encourage to read at home at least 4 times a week. Reading can be logged on LearningWithParents through videos and messages.



During Year 3, children get the opportunity to go swimming. We will be going swimming during the Spring Term.


Homework Menu

Children will have a Homework Menu, which is set every half-term. This is linked to our curriculum topics we are covering across the half-term. There is no minimum expectation for children to complete - children can choose whichever tasks that they have an interest in. Children are also encourage to further continue their pleasure for learning through different online platforms (TimesTableRockStars, SpellingShed, LearningWithParents, FirstNews) - logins for these websites can be given via ClassDojo.


Thank you for your continued support,

Miss James.

Important Documents
