Welcome to Navigators!
Navigators are a Year 5 class and are taught by Miss Lowe. We are lucky to have Mrs Roebuck working with us to support teaching and learning in our class.
In Navigators we always show our values and vision in everything we do. We are always ready, respectful and safe within our classroom and around school.
On our class page you will find information about our classes including PE days, information on our curriculum and any useful links if learning from home.
Half-term curriculum overviews
Below you will find the half-term overviews for our curriculum. These are updated with our current learning and include oracy questions for you to ask your child in order to build articulation and understanding.
PE Days
Our PE day is Wednesday. Please send your children into school wearing their PE kit (plain white t-shirt and blue or black shorts) on this day. If it is cooler that day, please ensure your child is wearing navy or black jogging bottoms, their school jumper and trainers.
If children have their ears pierced, they will be expected to take out their earrings for PE lessons.
Autumn 1: Volleyball.
Forest School
We will have Forest school on Thursdays. Please ensure your child is in school uniform on this day. Please make sure your child brings an extra pair of footwear (trainers or wellies).
Homework menus
Children will have a homework menu every half-term which is linked to the half-termly curriculum topics studied in class. There is no minimum expectation for children to complete these tasks on a daily or weekly basis, but children can choose which tasks they have an interest in to develop their love an enthusiasm for learning.
Homework Menus
Reading, Spelling and Times Tables
Please listen to your child read at least 4 times a week at home. They will change their books, if they wish, during our weekly visit to La Bibliotheque, where we will have our reading sessions which you can attend.
These will be on Wednesday morning, 8:45 till 9:00.
It is important that children are reading daily and practising their spellings and times tables Weekly spellings will be practised in class and assigned on Spelling Shed.
Times Tables Rockstars is an excellent online resource for the children to use to develop multiplication fluency and it will be beneficial for your child to access this at home.
Many thanks for all your support.
Miss Lowe
Spellings 16.09.2024
Class trip- War Graves and Memorial 25/9/2024
We went to the war graves and memorial at St Mary's church on 25th September to gather inspiration for our poetry pieces and our art work.
We also recognised how, as a community, we come together to recognise and remember those from our local area.
Pictures from the trip, of our poetry and art are to follow.