Welcome to year4/5
High Flyers are a year 4/5 and are taught by Miss Bowers and Astronomers a year4 class are be taught by Miss Garrett. This year we are very lucky to have teaching assistant, Miss Walton, to support teaching and learning across both classes.
In year4/5 we always show our values (BELONGING, CARING, RESILIENCE,INTEGRITY) and vision in everything we do. We are always ready, respectful and safe within our classroom and around school.
High Flyers class information
La Bibliotheque Parent Reading session - Monday afternoons at 3pm
Swimming - Tuesday afternoons for 6 weeks. Autumn 1
PE - Tuesday afternoons Autumn 2(beginning Tuesday 5th November)
Forest Schools - Wednesday morning (please bring outdoor shoes and waterproof coat)
On PE days please send your children into school wearing their PE kit (plain white t-shirt and blue or black shorts) on this day. If it is cooler that day, please ensure your child is wearing navy or black jogging bottoms, their school jumper and trainers.
If children have their ears pierced, they will be expected to take out their earrings for PE lessons.
Forest School
Please ensure your child is in school uniform on this day. Please make sure your child brings an extra pair of footwear (trainers or wellies) and a waterproof coat.
Homework Menu Autumn
Online Homework
- Weekly spelling lists can be found on Spelling Shed
- Comprehension texts and activities can be found on iHub First News to support reading
- Times Table Rock Stars will support learning all times tables
In year 4 there will be a national Multiplication Check in June 2025. This will check the pupils Multiplication knowledge.
Children will need to know all there time tables up to 12 times table. Times Table Rock Stars can help with speed swell as supporting learning of times tables.
In September both classes will have their first visit out. As part of Geography we will be walking to Sutton Town Centre to find out more about the past and present history of our local town as well as finding out our the landscape has changed over the years.
The children will be visiting our local library, where they will get to view photos and old maps of the area and of our school.
On December 3rd the children will be going to the Palace Theatre to see the pantomime Aladdin.
On December 19th HIGH FLYERS will be visiting King Edwards School where they will be performing at the Transform Trust Winter Festival.
It's Christmas!
Below is a list of Christmas dates for our classes.
Tuesday December 3rd - Trip to the Theatre to see the pantomime Aladdin
Thursday December 12th - Christmas Jumper Day
Wednesday December 18th - A family Christmas craft session in class from 10 am - 11.15 am
Wednesday December 18th - Christmas Dinner day
Thursday December 19th - High Flyers perform at the Trusts Winter Festival (am)
Thursday December 19th - Carols on the playground. Children from KST2 will perform their chosen songs for their families. Starts 2.30pm
Friday December 20th - It's Christmas party Day!